Changelog wipe: 10.07.2022

Apr 25, 2018

Main changes:

- Updated the server to Epoch
- Wiped the server; humanity and GP remains
- Increased maximum virtual garage slots to 8. Everyone will start with 5 slots each, additional slots can be purchased for GP


Smaller changes:

  • Rewrote quest system
  • Fixed an issue with not gaining GP for finished quests
  • Quests do not have a cooldown anymore, finishing multiple quests per restart is now possible
  • Reduced the required amount of objectives for multiple quests
  • PVP-Quest objective amounts are now based on how many players are online
  • Removed salvage option for deployed vehicles @Goose
  • Fixed using gunner in towed/lifted vehicles
  • Fixed an issue with placing multiple Tallsafes
  • Lowered the scroll menu option for tow and lift
  • Increased amount of bibles spawning in churches
  • Improved EMP on Skalisty
  • Fixed an issue with plot removal/group permissions @Goose
  • In order to access safes, the safe owner (who placed it) must be a member of the group owning the plot pole
  • Replaced "AH1Z_DZ" with "AH1Z" (has a radar now)
  • Added the option to split gems @Lars
  • Added special loadouts for the first two weeks after wipe


Please report any bugs that might occur.


Crafting Recipes

Vehicle Upgrades


Epoch changelog: DayZ-Epoch/CHANGE LOG at 5b92e20bac517b4829f9e19351d97827a40c3aca · EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch

Epoch can be downloaded here: - DayZ Epoch - Arma 2 Mod

Download mirror provided by Genesis:
4.27 GB file on MEGA