Closed Current issues

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George Hamnond

Well-Known User
May 11, 2018
With the new update alot of problems have showed up. This thread is to bring these to light so they can be fixed.

Vehicles not spawning correctly at certain traders.
Loot needs to be reworked as skalisty loot seems unworthy for the effort it takes to clear compared to other methods of getting high end loot.
Removing object does not work when placed down in the same session. Relog is needed to be able to deconstruct.
A issue with loading putting people in debug often and most of those start killing leading to gear loss for alot of players.
Prices need to be redone for most armed vehicles as the balance is completely off. Same goes for storage prices.
Prevent logging out at skalisty with gear.
Fix ai path for convoy and remove object in ai path at skalisty.
Add back rubie spawn, teleport and HC to dev server so people can test things and give feedback.
Add a command to ping admins ingame such as !admin or !help.
Add a script to prevent storage sheds and simular object being placed inside the ground. This is already in for safes but can still be worked around. (picture was send to jimmy)
Change tank dealer layout to prevent camping from long range.
Bases don't load as they used to causing people to be able to shoot players without it rendering the walls and in some cases being able to land inside the base before it renders.
Pressing esc while on a boat ejects you.

Pretty sure there are more problems out there so please do share them.
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Likes: Revanek


Epoch Admin
Jul 30, 2019
@Merlijn Get yer dev shoes on

As for the Fix AI Path for convoy - the path is entirely random and is actually handled within the Arma AI, its not something that can practically and easily be fixed

George Hamnond

Well-Known User
May 11, 2018
Honestly the convoy is fine it's just that the northern spawn makes them drive into a pond and blows up the vehicles. I'm sure you can set a waypoint past it and is it random? They seem to take the same path every time.


Epoch Admin
Jul 30, 2019
i think the start and finish positions for each route are predefined, but the path chosen should be handled by the AI within arma, unless the convoy system generates a series of waypoints using roads etc

George Hamnond

Well-Known User
May 11, 2018
Ye ai's should follow the road but with some tracked vehicles they don't prefer it and might go offroad. Adding waypoints could help solve this.
Mar 27, 2020
Is anyone also aware of the glitch where if you log out with guns in both inv slots, when you return your 2nd gun will change into whatever gun you had in your 1st inv slot? Its happened to me a few times and my dmr was changed into an m8 or something. I have also experienced the game deleteing my mozzie parts as others have. I even packed it outside of the 10-15 min restart window.
Nov 7, 2018
Fixing a script where you don't get tped to balota after clearing hippie (not only skalisty) - some kind of combat log script where there comes up a message that "player x logged off at for example hippie" and leaving behind a crate like on a combat log
Feb 17, 2019
Fixing a script where you don't get tped to balota after clearing hippie (not only skalisty) - some kind of combat log script where there comes up a message that "player x logged off at for example hippie" and leaving behind a crate like on a combat log
With a mark, like on abandoned safes
Likes: Mishaaa


Epoch Admin
Jul 30, 2019
@Jaydu The primary weapon dupe bug is a bug within Epoch, but it is also an example of the limitations of having dual primary weapons. The game does not support 2 primary weapons, so a workaround had to be done, the game can get confused between which weapon is in which slot when syncing the player. This may get fixed in a new version of epoch, but who knows..

As for the mozzie parts, I have had similar experiences

Regards, Goose
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