Event Ideas

Aug 28, 2023

To keep things fresh for you players I thought I would create this post so you guys and gals can give suggestions in an official setting for future events.

Please try to only suggest events that do not require spawning in many vehicles.

The deathmatch maze that some of you may be aware of will be re-designed every so often. This means I am giving players the opportunity to re-design the maze. If you are interested in maze building, please say so in this post.

Thank you.
Nov 20, 2022
Protect the VIP - 1 team protects the VIP starts at the NWAF with vehicles and has to get to the port in Cherno. team 2 tries to get the VIP. Land vehicles only (NO THERMAL),
Ofc the VIP would have to announce his/hers coords ever 3-5 minutes to keep things active.

Teams are selected randomly when event starts. Channels are available in the discord to facilitate teamwork.

Can provide more details if needed.
Nov 20, 2022
X Marks the spot event. Requires 2 Admins/Moderators. Load every participant into a c130 and mark a location on the map. Get them all to halo jump out and the closest person to landing on the X wins.

One admin will fly One will make sure no one bends the rules.

If two players are equal distance apart prize will be settled via Hatchet battle.
Mar 17, 2024
"Death run" - players start by jumping from a platform, thus getting a bleeding effect which is important key in this game, they only get one morphine and thats it. They have to go via different obsticles - duck, crouch, jump, climb laders, build by admin.
At the end they retrieve a certain gun from a safe and have to run with it back to the admin via different path proving that theyve completed the run ( admins spectate from above) .
Players run with empty guns, so no fastrunning is allowed.
The path must be quite long and with zombies if possible. Player will bleed out or make it forth and back with the specific gun (no ammo given!) from the safe, crossing the finishe line !
Who will be the fastest and smartest wins ! No pvp.

What do you think guys ?
Likes: Eclimics
Aug 28, 2023
Thank you for taking the time to put this suggestion forward. It will certainly be considered. It may require two or more admins.
Jun 22, 2024
Most Wanted
This is something that we suggested on the old DE servers and worked really well. Each restart, say an hour in, the player with the highest kills is announced to the server as the Most Wanted and their location is shown on the map as a circle approximately 500 feet in diameter. The Most Wanted´s actual position could be anywhere in that circle and the marker is updated approximately every 5 minutes meaning players hunting the Most Wanted know an approximate location and the Most Wanted has enough of a head start that they can survive. There is a countdown of 30 mins, if the Most Wanted is killed before the clock reaches zero a weapons/loot cache parachutes into the location of the kill causing all kinds of mayhem as the hunters fight over the goodies. If the timer reaches zero the server announces that the Most Wanted survived.
Aug 28, 2023
We have done some hunted events. This idea is very similar. I can do more of these event types.

Thank you for your input, appreciated.
Aug 28, 2023
Gambling event, bring your own rubies/hotwires/pci and get a chance to multiply them.
As much as I like the other ideas, I really like this one.... I can do it by myself and its a dynamic most players would appreciate.
Aug 7, 2022
Well, i have some ideas for next event, ofc its just an idea for now.

This event will have three types of PvP that Arma 2 can give - "Air - Ground - Water"

All players will be teleported outside the map (this event will have a radius of 3.5km for attack helis to prevent players from escaping and selling these helicopters, same for ground vehicles) (maybe also to have more FPS since most of the time you literally LAG in the center of the map)

I'll explain my idea better:

There will be 3 rounds:
THE FIRST ROUND: will be that of the attack helicopters, any player will be able to choose the helicopter to fight with and the partner (even from their own team), they will also be asked who wants to fight against those players (Ofc i mean 1v1 or 2v2 pvp, its your choice) also choosing the partner obviously.

SECOND ROUND: Similar to the previous one, you will be able to choose the type of vehicle (Tanks, APCs etc..) you will be able to choose who wants to be the gunner and who the driver.

THIRD ROUND: The water one, you can choose the boat with M2 -
obviously the idea of choosing the driver and the gunner was to make the player work as a team

The Admins will be able to choose the prizes, I wanted to give my idea of the event if it is approved.

anyone who tries to escape inside the safe zones or even sell these vehicles will be punished and disqualified from the event.

-Hello Im Back