Hero Level 7 & 8 weapons

Sep 5, 2018
Would it be possible to change the spawn weapon for hero levels 7 and 8, to rifles that at least have a scope. I like to do a mission straight from spawning and its pretty tricky to do with iron sights also it takes a long time to level up on hero so im going to be stuck with these guns for a while. levels 5 & 6 both spawn with guns with acog sights at least so im thinking possible mk12 sniper like bandit level 7 get, or even something like VSS would be better.

Great work on the server btw guys its pretty awesome. Like the new klen trader also.
Likes: Dokmai
May 11, 2018
I think all heroes weapons should have supressors(or 1 main weapon+ 1 good with supressor(vss for example or even sv 98 SD at high levels) because most of high level heroes are solo camper players that needs to stay "undercover" and have advantage against bandits
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