Removing the thermal Vehicles

Jul 26, 2019
This is a petition to remove the thermal equipped vehicles (ground and air) from the server, just to see an opinion on the community AND maybe get a reaction from server management and maybe get them removed to have a better experience.

It is simply enfuriating being eliminated over 1.2km by a rocket packed helicopter and/or LAV simply because the person in the gunner has the advantage of seeing you glow like a nuclear powered chemlight from a distance that is completely unable for you to combat.

Its mainly just a few people that abuse the shit ouf these vehicles and that is what needs to be stopped to get some balance in on the server aswell as stop new players from being averted simply because they got bombed on the coast 55 times by players who have nothing else to do and are plagued by boredom.

If you have the same opinion as me just add a comment to this thread and MAYBE we can get a response or even get the vehicles removed.
Aug 30, 2018
LAV simply because the person in the gunner has the advantage of seeing you glow like a nuclear powered chemlight from a distance that is completely unable for you to combat.
If you have javelin Lav will glow more then you...

being eliminated over 1.2km by a rocket packed helicopter
Thats Me that killing you

Its mainly just a few people that abuse the shit ouf these vehicles
Nobody is blocking you from buying them and using them...but you like more sitting on top of fire station in balota and holding your rubys...

get some balance in on the server
All Helis and vehicles have need to learn game to know that...

From my perspective you just unexperienced player...
Likes: Whocares
Jul 26, 2019
i do know about the counters, dont worry about that, the problem is though, who in the world is going to leave their base with a javelin and ammo, OR check his surroundings every five seconds just because there MIGHT be an LAV. point is, over a distance that is not really combatable for a "normal" player and the people who use them are in big groups that just simply delete everyone that goes and buys one for themselves
Jul 26, 2019
did not miss it, no, "semi mili" includes things like the m134 SUV or an LAV with an m240 but not mi117 that is HIGH military
Apr 23, 2019
I vote not to remove thermals completely.

However, I would put forth a reversion to the default Arma2 AO thermal settings for ground vehicles and aircraft.

Furthermore, the pricing of vehicles that include thermal and weapons systems should be substantially increased. Those who would use them need to pay more for the luxury.

Additionally, the ability to repair, refuel and rearm such demanding vehicles and aircraft should be harder to access, cost more and take longer than say - repairing the tyre on an SUV.
It should not be possible to simply repair a helicopter engine or rotor by simply popping in a new one in less than 30 seconds. or hover over a rearming point for 1 minutes and get a full load of rockets...

Now, operating such vehicles becomes more hazardous but still worth while.


Retired Owner
Apr 28, 2018
Thermal settings are on default arma 2 oa setting "Hard". Standard would include auto zero-ing and auto aim.
May 11, 2018
i do know about the counters, dont worry about that, the problem is though, who in the world is going to leave their base with a javelin and ammo, OR check his surroundings every five seconds just because there MIGHT be an LAV. point is, over a distance that is not really combatable for a "normal" player and the people who use them are in big groups that just simply delete everyone that goes and buys one for themselves
Who gonna check surroundings every 5 seconds?When we driving expensive vehicle we FORCED to remember ALL possible base campers on WHOLE map and check if they are online when we getting close to it.We spin turret 360 deegree probably every second just to not get shot by rocket.We hide behind walls from every unknown helicopter on radar in case if its armed helicopter going for us.We play for 10 hours+ per day just to get money back from what we lost to not get broke.And you just created account on this forum just to make complain without even understanding how the game work only because people not letting you to camp on balota while other people playing and ejoying this server for more then a fucking 1 year
Likes: Whocares
May 11, 2018
What i meant was that only vehicles which have thermal in non modded Arma 2 AO should have thermal on server.
its all on default.even nerfed on some UH 1y don,t have observer thermal,rockets,radar and flares,same with littlebird miniguns.flares and radar +rockets disabled
here is server where you can test all stock vehicles in arma 2 start at NW airfield and all vehicles and rocket launchers available for free
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Mr. Nice Guy

Well-Known User
May 11, 2018
10 hours a day? can that do it Ivan? lul

and ZJ. There is a couter to every vehicles, however when a group of 10 players play, the couter doesnt matter, as you just couter their shit instantly.

Remove WIldcat, ez fix. Chopper is to good, esp. with the viewdistance atm.
Feb 17, 2019
things that also are considered high military are: wildcat, stryker, t45, ANY sort of jet, BRDM, BMP,
You're asking to remove vehicles on server such as brdm, t-45(Wait. what? We have only missionable t-34 and t-55 that can be obtained only from convoy and they don't have TWS. They're too old for that :D) , strykers( which is very easy to destroy with a simple grenade or crossbow with explosive bolts if you don't have time to make skalisty to find Javelin or maaws) , "any sort of jet".

About jets: The Jet you can obtain only from mission" Jet Junky". After the restart it will dissapear or pilot can sell it in aircraft dealer. But that type of missions are rare. You can play all day long and there is a chance that it won't spawn.

About brdm: Brdm doesn't have Thermovisor. At all. Btr-60 doesn't have thermovisor at all.

About bmps. Only bmp-3 has a TWS. BMP-2 doesn't have it.

What's the problem to wait heavy vehicle on rearm station and then blow it up with something heavy? Just turn on your imagination. It is Arma. It isn't a Counter-Strike where everything is playing by 3-4-5 scenarios for a whole game. We're creating our gameplay. All the community of our server. However, you came to server and asks to remove part of gameplay which is working from the beginning of our Project.

TWS are helping vehicles to avoid rocketmen and any sort of traps that we have during our game sessions with real players ,not the bots.

Ivan is right: go and test every weak spot in every vehicle that we have on server and learn how to fight versus tanks, apcs etc.

I am myself destroyed stryker m2 using only a crossbow with 2 bolts. I've made a trap in kabanino and caught it.

It isn't so hard to fight versus vehicles as you think. I have a lot of examples when players had destroyed my AAVP with thermovisor using rpg18.

I wish you good luck in fighting;)
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Aug 15, 2019
well done :)
Ye youre right. To me its more the helicopters for which I'd like to buy the javelin, (for me) it's heavy to get them with Igla and stuff.

To make a long story short: keep the thermal stuff (and maybe add the javelin :))


Apr 25, 2018
i think you dont see the problem with javelins, you shoot and your target is usually just dead, for something this strong you cant get balanced prices. How would you feel if your 150bc vehicle gets shot down right 2minutes after you bought it?