Some stuff about rules that need to be clear


Retired Manager
Apr 26, 2018
What is tank?
Wiki: A tank is an armoured fighting vehicle designed for front-line combat, with heavy firepower, strong armour, tracks and a powerful engine providing good battlefield maneuverability.

Server definition of tanks: ???? ((((((From base attack vehicle rules:

M113 (All editions)
BRDM2 (All editions)
GAZ Vodnik (All editions)
BTR40 (All editions)
Stryker M11xx (All editions EXCEPT mgs)
Now we have qustion how cars like Vodnik , BRDM,BTR40,BTR60,BTR90,LAV, are counting as tank ?

Answer: Will change this to say no Vehicles Shooting from towers just to avoid confusion

  • No Hiding Money Offline by way of Secondary acounts
We still allowed to hide on main accounts ?

Now every time i raid base i need invite admin to take alook in logs if he took any money with him when he left offline ? What if hes using other name you cant know its his base...
This rule is clearly make only becasue of one guy...
Still allowed to store hotwires ?

Answer: Hotwires and Money will be disallowed to be stored on your primary accounts.. Secondary accounts are not allowed and again no storage there as well. I will make changes for clarity. The logic being applied here is the same to having an unraidable base.. .not really fair.

Why we have this in rules 3 times ?

  • No Camping or Killing Players who have a Startkit!
  • No Killing or camping players with a Startkit Box
  • Do not camp or attack players that have a startkit.
Answer: Only saw this twice but sometimes redundancy is there to clarify or it applies to two areas of the policies.

  • No Building or safes in or within 1500m from: Balota, Any Trader, or static Ai base. Safes and Plots will be deleted.
There is base next to skalisty that is 1k form boat trader and that is reported many times and nobody delated it yet...
(We need typed rule that bases are not allowed to overlook skalisty plase)

Answer : I think I know the one your talking about and this guy is in our "Base Problems" spreadsheet. I deleted his plot pole twice and havent caught him on to move him out of there. We routinely check for plots and they are removed. Sometimes we have admins that give them that spot by mistake... in these cases it takes longer because we feel obligated to help them move and not delete their stuff. By stuff I mean the walls n such. I dont like to delete safes in any case due to the fact we dont want bambies leaving the server in discouragement. I will make a note to check up this one specifically once I return home.

I will talk to Jax about the Skalisky rule your requesting.

"or builds over water then do not ask Admin for help if gear/safes etc go missing. "
  • "Water Bases are allowed but not supported and we highly recommend against it."
Now people can glitch in base on right conner of map that is partly in water and take items from it and you will do nothing even if some1 glitched in ?

When i was building my water bases i placed plotpole and i come back next restart and it was it again and sits there for 3 restarts and it was there and i log off and i come back and its gone again...clearly some1 was delating it it was not going away by itself

Just make care of water bases or not allowed them ...

Answer: There have always been irractic things that happen with water bases.. I have seen this since early days of Epoch. Glitching is still not legal regardless of base location.
If its obvious it will be punishable .


  • Blocking safes in any way is not allowed. The only form of making your base raid proof is by making either a drawbridge or an elevator.
We need bigged panishment for this...when you raiding and if there is no admin you need to wait too long to admin come online to make it raidble...if raiders gona wait for admin open safe for them or ban player for this stuff... as we know case of Bob lee hacker ... he blocked his top safes 3 days and i report it every time with proof and admins didnt do anything about it (2 of them said its allowed even he said that he forget that he have safe there and it was not right)

Answer: Well as is discussed later in this thread.. sometimes its not clear if the elevators were removed or destroyed by raiders. And in that case we need to give them time to replace them. In the case on one or two elevators we could have admins add those in place. Then you can start trying to crack the locks .. that would be legal . But giving someone direct access to the safes is something that only happens when it is clear someone built a metal box or there was never an elevator in place or a removable ladder. We are having staffing issues. And that is ongoing.. doing the best we can. We have added two new admins so maybe that should help going forward.


  • All safes need to be accessible by some means to you and potential raiders
Need to be typed that front side need to be fully visible
(i think i sow it typed somewhere or some of admins said to me but need to be in this rules too)

Answer: Jax and I added a rule that said that the front face of the safe had to be visible.. the lock and combo face.. This was removed for some reason by Merl or Buffed not sure who.. but I never questioned it and when we pushed the rules to forum it was then ommited. If you want to vote it back in I can re add it. But need to have a majority of the community request it by vote or something.

  • No VEHICLE suicides (into Bases or Vehicles), this will result in loss of humanity and a ban.
Running a ground vehicle into a land vehicle, person, or another land vehicle, an air vehicle that is on the ground, or a base. This is allowed.

So this make no different rule from kamikazing...please fix

Answer: Not sure why it needs to be clarified. One is Kami one is ramming.. Kami is not allowed.. and Ramming is allowed. If you look at the definition section it is clearly defined.

9)Note: Corralled or fenced areas that are non roofed and clearly not part of the base

Plotpole and safes are not base ...please make it clear and 2x2 wall with no roof and plotpole and safe is not base too ?

Answer: Every case can be differnt but to give an example.. A 1x1 or 2x2 with a roof.. is a base and protected.. two walls and a roof not really a base but these things are up to the admin but in general it needs to be enclosed. Any area that is not part of base main structure is not protected by the non-allowed vehicle rule.

10)"The disallowed vehicles may attack a base if, and only if attacked first."

Is not "f, and only if" becasue you can attack base if he combat avoid to base you allowed to shoot him so please fix this too

Answer: The if and only if language was added a while before the following rule was added .. Will make the change to rules. Thanks for your input.. greatly appreciated.. -=F=- =)

Changes made....

Combat Avoidance

Using a safezone to remove yourself from a combat situation already in progress

** Combat avoiding to your base gives a non-allowed vehicle the right to base attack to continue combat.

The disallowed vehicles may attack a base if attacked first or combat avoiding to your base. But only the vehicle that was attacked can return fire. Not another member of a team or another vehicle. You may only kill the offending player or player team. You are not allowed to then use this vehicle to then RAID.

Please dont close post and let other people type what they interest or what they dont undestand

Sorry for my bad london


Retired Manager
Apr 26, 2018
1 safe with 0 items was blocked of, you could reach the others if you crackedbridges + admins came day later and asked me if I knew I had a safe there, and asked me to fix it :)
you just tried to be quick while I was banned to open my base so you could get an easy raid - play to get others banned = easy raids :)

-- The rule with 2 bases per group still stands, is it now a rule or is it something that is just there to scare ppl :)?

Answer: Yes this rule still stands. Now enforcement is not easy. The main purpous of this is really just to try to head off another wipe and keep the parts on the server down. But yes its a rule not a scare tactic .. =)

-- add a rule about if one admins says - "he got a a warning for it", the player is not allowed to rereport it to another admin to get the player banned "hopefully"

Answer: A second opinion is never a bad thing. And when its a higher level admin that persons opinion could overide the lower admins in terms of rank. We always try to be fair in all cases. But this doesn't mean we are going to have every admin get in on the game or spend countless hours evaluating situations. And in all cases consideration for the original evaluation is taken into account. We do our best.. but its in no way a perfect process...

-- last point ; a timelimit for reports so a ban wont suddenly drop onto you for something you did 2-3 weeks ago, that was already sorted. "communication"
Answer: Well Im not against a time limit. At the moment and when old offences are brought up there are two factors to consider I feel .. 1. Duration of time and 2. Sevarity of the offence. Naturally a bigger offence should have a longer shelf life for punishment. For instance, murder vs a pick pocket. You can put this to a vote but honestly I think this should be a case by case thing. Rarely is an offence left to sit for a long time before punished.. but when this does happen its more a matter of not having ppl process the player reports in a timely fashion .. and that is just a staffing issue more or less and should absolve a rule breaker of punishment from my perspective.
Jul 27, 2018
I also took a look at Mostar...

Zoomed at the center of the map, near the Spanish Square and went WTF ... u got a sniper tower right in the middle of the city???
