VOTE: Wiping the Epoch server (Full/Partially/No)

Server wipe? (Full/Partially/No wipe)

  • YES - Full Wipe

  • YES - Partially (Keep humanity etc)

  • NO - No Wipe

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Nov 7, 2018
Pretty funny that we got 20 new accounts here, created right after this vote got posted, but no problem iam gonna find those who think they can vote multiple times :)
zj told his whole mountain village to make accounts, i guess democracy hasn´t reached eastern-europe yet. lmao
obviously, this is the right time to wipe the server. everything is just a mess right now, and theres been a long time since last wipe.

dont forget: cry is free!
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Mar 29, 2019
It's funny how people who joined the server like 1-2 max weeks ago get to vote and all voting for wipe. Those people will leave the server in 1 2 weeks more and wont even give a fuck, while wipe (full atleast) will make "veterans" that play here for months / years mostly make them leave the server. I voted no, can deal with partial, but if it's full wipe and i lose my humanity (i joined server few months ago and grinded for mozzie) and now i lose it, im out too.
May 11, 2018
It's funny how people who joined the server like 1-2 max weeks ago get to vote and all voting for wipe. Those people will leave the server in 1 2 weeks more and wont even give a fuck, while wipe (full atleast) will make "veterans" that play here for months / years mostly make them leave the server. I voted no, can deal with partial, but if it's full wipe and i lose my humanity (i joined server few months ago and grinded for mozzie) and now i lose it, im out too.
I feel ur struggle, making a base/ money is easy, but the humanity grind is such a pain
Feb 17, 2019
I voted for "No wipe" because i don't want to loose my base, again. I just returned it couple of days ago(with the help of one Wizard:D ) and now after the wipe I will loose it again. It's sad. I don't care about humanity, but i care that some people with who i'm playing every day will leave the server. And it will be the biggest sadness for me except the base loosing.

It seems that the online of server will be lower than it is now. I hope that not, but, there're a lot of newcomers and probably they won't play. Maybe they will. But Veterans of the server will go away and it is sad.

For instance, i have one friend who is 55 years old (he's playing here) and now he has 1m 250k of humanity . I think he will be very upset when i tell him that there will be a full wipe .

Partial wipe would be awesome for server, in my horrible opinion. With disabled mozzies in first 2 or 3 weeks after the wipe, but at least we will save our humanity. Cause as Bob wrote it is a real pain to receive that game resource.
Apr 5, 2019
I really don't see a good reason to wipe the server at all. Personally I think the DDOS-attack already did kind of wipe the server. It made base locations change a bunch. I feel like people are voting yes because of losing their bases and goods, wanting an equal start again, but there were several opportunities during the DDOS attack to log on and quickly maintain your base. people got the chance to get compensated for their losses aswel. If you're voting yes for a better server performance, you will see it going downhill again faster than you think. Within days the big bases will be back, especially because it's not hard to gather money. This also goes for wanting a wipe because of the good base locations being taken. Within hours they'll all be taken again and build up. As to a partial wipe, I 100% agree with previous comments about the fact people spend hours on gaining or 'losing humanity'. Compared to making money this is a much bigger time investment and should never be touched. The server just got back on track to regaining the 'usual' population. I really thing wiping will be a setback for the server again.
Apr 22, 2019
I say no to the wipe. As Niek stated here before, the effect most think that the wipe will have, will be gone in a few weeks. Seeing how the 'yes' is winning at this point - especially the full wipe - i think it would be wise to start a new poll once this one is finished and the result turns out to be 'yes'. I think i can speak for most No-voters when i say that IF the wipe is going to happen, which seems likely according to the votes at the moment of writing, we'd want a partially wipe since, as stated before by others, humanity can be a bitch to get back, while making money isn't really a problem.
Feb 17, 2019
I really don't see a good reason to wipe the server at all. Personally I think the DDOS-attack already did kind of wipe the server. It made base locations change a bunch. I feel like people are voting yes because of losing their bases and goods, wanting an equal start again, but there were several opportunities during the DDOS attack to log on and quickly maintain your base. people got the chance to get compensated for their losses aswel. If you're voting yes for a better server performance, you will see it going downhill again faster than you think. Within days the big bases will be back, especially because it's not hard to gather money. This also goes for wanting a wipe because of the good base locations being taken. Within hours they'll all be taken again and build up. As to a partial wipe, I 100% agree with previous comments about the fact people spend hours on gaining or 'losing humanity'. Compared to making money this is a much bigger time investment and should never be touched. The server just got back on track to regaining the 'usual' population. I really thing wiping will be a setback for the server again.

Before the ddos online of server in that time( now I have 19:43 pm) was 30 players(maybe 35) . But it was stable. Now the stability of server after the ddos is 20 players. In that current time. In 8-9 pm it goes up to 35-40-50 players, however it returns to 40-45 players, again. And that's it. I just hope that after the wipe(i hope it will be a partial wipe even without the votes) the online won't roll back.
Apr 5, 2019
Before the ddos online of server in that time( now I have 19:43 pm) was 30 players(maybe 35) . But it was stable. Now the stability of server after the ddos is 20 players. In that current time. In 8-9 pm it goes up to 35-40-50 players, however it returns to 40-45 players, again. And that's it. I just hope that after the wipe(i hope it will be a partial wipe even without the votes) the online won't roll back.
To be honest I don't really understand what you are trying to say here bro xD
Apr 5, 2019
Just Wipe this server . The starts are the bests
The build traders will be camped for days. Especially because the APC's (with thermal aswel) are not even that expensive. Ore veins will be sought for by everyone to make money. Missions will be camped by snipers. I think all of this is very balanced right now as it is.

Mr. Nice Guy

Well-Known User
May 11, 2018
I dont see how people think wipes are bad for servers. Espcially if its not a humanity reset. Its done in rust every single week/every 2nd week. Servers always go ham, and i have been to 3 wipes on this server, and it has always bought not just new, but old people back to play again.

Ddos didnt help anything at all. if anything, it made some leave and wait for a wipe, which was already being discussed before the ddos.

@Medium Pizza Effects of the wipe will for sure not be gone in a few weeks. People is sitting on hotwires/AA rockets/rubies for over 1 year. There's A LOT of ressources on the server atm, and with skalisty being redone, those things wont be as easy to get as before.

Mr. Nice Guy

Well-Known User
May 11, 2018
So what you are saying is, people will be outside their bases and actually do stuff on the server, and you see it as a bad thing? @NiekV

its a pvp server after all, let people fight over stuff like that lol
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Active User
May 11, 2018
In the end The Owners decide what happens and thats fine, netherless what they decide someone will be sad about their decision ^^ i hope for a full wipe new start new fun :)


Forum Creator
May 4, 2018
I dont see how people think wipes are bad for servers. Espcially if its not a humanity reset. Its done in rust every single week/every 2nd week. Servers always go ham, and i have been to 3 wipes on this server, and it has always bought not just new, but old people back to play again.
Scheduled resets on Rust are part of its nature hence why there are updates very often and even then there are servers who wipe monthly, bi-anually or every week. You're talking about servers with hundreds of daily, iconic players.

Should we approach Arma with said nature out of the sudden? No. That doesn't seem fair to me.

Mr. Nice Guy

Well-Known User
May 11, 2018
right, let me put it this way then Tim. Recently biggest server of ARK had its reset, or so called new season. Ark is even more grindly than rust is, like twice as griendly. guess what? they had full servers within 2 mins, we are talking about 800 people joining in after having less than 60 every day. Wipes are part of these games, and its healthy for servers to wipe every now and then.
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