VOTE: Wiping the Epoch server (Full/Partially/No)

Server wipe? (Full/Partially/No wipe)

  • YES - Full Wipe

  • YES - Partially (Keep humanity etc)

  • NO - No Wipe

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Jul 22, 2018
if you do a wipe then please a partially. Humanity is the biggest issue for most players & if you just wipe the humanity many players will quit. And if you wipe I would wipe it very very soon because otherwise many players will quit until the wipe is done.

George Hamnond

Well-Known User
May 11, 2018
When does the vote end? And i also like the idea of getting a revote between full wipe and partial wipe as i also think that alot of new players just vote yes but it's the long time players that will get ruined and not everyone wants to go through a massive grind to get the humanity back. As for what Merlijn said about dissabling mozzie spawn the first few weeks: I like the idea and perhaps let everyone spawn with the same vehicle for a while? Gives new players a trial for what to come and makes it a bit more fair for everyone.


Retired Owner
Apr 28, 2018
There is no end date set. This vote is final. When any or both of the "Yes" options win, we will have a discussion about it in the team.

You will know that the vote succeeded when we publish a date, no later and not earlier.
For now there is no date so no wipe.
Apr 23, 2019
if you do a wipe then please a partially. Humanity is the biggest issue for most players & if you just wipe the humanity many players will quit. And if you wipe I would wipe it very very soon because otherwise many players will quit until the wipe is done.
I guess Masuprim is right concerning the humanity thing. I voted for total wipe, but partial is also ok for me, i just can´t change my vote anymore.
Apr 23, 2019
There is no end date set. This vote is final. When any or both of the "Yes" options win, we will have a discussion about it in the team.

You will know that the vote succeeded when we publish a date, no later and not earlier.
For now there is no date so no wipe.

I get ur point buuut as someone allready said ppl will Think "oh so many yes votes i will wait for the wipe. Other ppl will Think "ohhh the numbers going down so the server might dying "

Could kill the Motivation of many.
Jul 22, 2018
Scarybee has the point. I will wait for the wipe now because there is no significant reason for me to get more rubies or get my base built if the wipe is coming .
Jul 16, 2018
to me its either no wipe at all or it has to be a full wipe. partial doesnt work, there still wont be equality in the sense that someone can have hero 5 etc and still spawn with the guns where if its full everyone starts at 0 and its up to you to put the hours in to get good. it should have just been full wipe/No wipe. Would be much easier to get straight to the point of what the people want. you either want a wipe or no.
Jul 16, 2018
and ive noticed (not to bash anyone since people have situations) but alot of people who are saying partial are the ones who i havent seen on for very long or someone that i only see popping in and out of the server who doesnt really play here as much as me and others. Never cater to the person with the lesser interest in what you're serving.
Feb 17, 2019
and ive noticed (not to bash anyone since people have situations) but alot of people who are saying partial are the ones who i havent seen on for very long or someone that i only see popping in and out of the server who doesnt really play here as much as me and others. Never cater to the person with the lesser interest in what you're serving.
Not so many players have much time to play each day, each evening and grind hummanity or doing missions and etc.

So, ya, that can be the problem. Big problem.

For example, I have friend who is 55 years old and he received1 million and 250 k humanity over the year. Not months, not 2-3 months, a year, Carl!
That full wipe will kill his motivation to play:(

Maybe there we have people like him. Maybe not 55 years old , but with their real life .
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Sep 18, 2018
I lost my base and safes to the DDOS attack so I really don't care, but might as well do the partially wipe. Also get rid of hotwiring doors and the 3k max view distance.


Apr 25, 2018
Getting rid of the 3k max viewdistance is not possible, it is required for an really important performance update.

higher viewdistances could be abused with shooting and walking through walls.
Apr 8, 2019
what's the crack with the hotwiring doors? Are you supposed to make so many lifts/drawbridges that you're base is not worth raiding? i thought my base was unraidable until splash and his mate got me, but changing your base is part of the fun when you're playing and learning the game. it's a fact that some players are able to play this game more than others, hey should be rewarded for that, however players who cannot shouldn't be punished, i.e give them a safe way to store items(if your base is shit your safes are up for grabs) If a more established playerwants into your base via hotwiring they are going to do it.

Sorry to get offtopic i voted no to the wipe, however when wipe i think it should be partial as it rewards loyalty to the server. I have fuck all humanity so doesn't really bother me but i do think that players that have put 100s of hours in should get something out of it.
Apr 25, 2019
It would be a good way to perform Partially Wipe because I find that humanity has been hard to come by and players who have spent a lot of time are deprived of their work and loyalty of the server.

! Partially Wipe !


Apr 25, 2018
this vote is not final like merlijn alread said, we just use it to see what the community wants, the decision how it will come out is still made team intern.
Likes: Whocares
Feb 17, 2019
I lost my base and safes to the DDOS attack so I really don't care, but might as well do the partially wipe. Also get rid of hotwiring doors and the 3k max view distance.
You can ask admin to return your base and safes back. I did that and Merljin had returned everything that i lost during the hacker's attack.
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